Mohan Agashe-搜索结果

  • 角色 भूमिका


    导演:夏姆·班尼戈尔   编剧:夏姆·班尼戈尔, Satyadev Dubey, Girish Karnad, Hansa Wadkar

    主演:Karanth, Dina Pathak, Mohan Agashe

      Coming from a poor and destitute family, Urvashi is encouraged by her mother, Shanta (Sualbha Deshpande) to be on more than friendly terms with a much older male, Keshav Dalvi (Amol Palekar). Keshav takes a liking to young Urvashi, and encourages her to explore her talents in films, which she does, and does gain popularity, starting as a singer, than accomplishing herself as an...

  • 心之归途 Ashes on a Road Trip

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:Mangesh Mukund Joshi   编剧:

    主演:Amey Wagh, Mohan Agashe, 格塔姜利·库尔卡尼

      这部笑中带泪的印度公路喜剧片围绕一个刚刚失去亲人的大家族展开。相当于家族族长的老爷爷去世了,他生前留下了想把骨灰撒在某个特定地点的心愿,而且只有做到了这一点,家人们才能阅读他的遗嘱。为此,一大家子载着骨灰盒,开着车上路了,而这趟旅途也撕开了和谐相处的表象,为他们提供了释 放压力的机会。到旅途终点,不再压抑内心真实想法的亲戚能否达成和解? 本片入选2020年东京国际电影节。

  • 我要走天涯 The Bright Day


    导演:莫希特·塔克塔尔   编剧:莫希特·塔克塔尔, Varun Narvekar, Pradeep Vaiddya

    主演:萨兰·萨塔耶, 谢纳兹·帕特尔, 拉吉特·卡普尔, 拉迪卡·艾普特, Kelly Marie Miller, Mohan Agashe, Rakhi Kumari


  • 在劫难逃 The Death Sentence: Mrityu Dand


    导演:普卡什·查   编剧:Anil Ajitabh, 普卡什·查

    主演:Suhas Bhalekar, Achyut Potdar, Ajit Vachani, 莎巴娜·阿兹米, 玛杜丽·迪克西特, Ayub Khan, Shilpa Shirodkar, 欧姆·普瑞, Mohan


  • 海龟 Kaasav

    类型:剧情片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:Sumitra Bhave, Sunil Sukthankar   编剧:Sumitra Bhave

    主演:Mohan Agashe, Devika Daftardar, Omkar Ghadi, Iravati Harshe, Kishore Kadam, Alok Rajwade

      A mother sea-turtle has to return to the waters leaving the eggs for nesting on the shore.... The nests are to be protected so that the newborn turtles can go into the deep waters on their own! Nonviolent, non-aggressive turtle is a metaphor and much more.....